Join our 2020-21 Seven Dialogues Series!
7 Sessions Monthly | First Session: November 6, 2020 | $199
This fall we will hold a second series of Seven Dialogues, to again make space for a shared and global inquiry about the state of our planet, and the situation we are all facing together. These sessions will be held on the first Friday of every month, beginning November 6, 2020.
In the spring participants joined from every part of the world and engaged together in a powerful exchange that surpassed everyone’s expectations. We listened, spoke, and thought together, allowing the whole to speak through our many voices. We began to sense a much wider space of engagement and possibility, one where we were both teacher and learner.In this series, we will have invited guests to present briefly at the beginning of the dialogues, to set the tone, and open the inquiry. We envision exploring a series of themes that include:
- “Holding the Space Beyond Polarization”, with William Isaacs and Skip Griffin
- “Holding the Heart of the World” with Ron Heifetz from the Kennedy School at Harvard
- “Listening to the Earth” with Lynne Twist, Co Founder of the Pachamama Alliance and author of The Soul of Money
- “The Tree of Life” Shyam Saran, former Foreign Secretary and Negotiator for India.
Each of these sessions will be dialogues, in large and small groups, where we will build a container to generate insight and listen together collectively in ways that extend each of our individual ranges and that allows us to see further and deeper than we otherwise would.