Aaron Frederick

Aaron FrederickM.A. Leadership and Organizational Studies (Associate Consultant) serves as an associate at dialogos | Generative Capital, drawing from 20 years of experience as a strategy and social enterprise development consultant, organizational founder, process facilitator, and trainer.

Aaron supports Dialogos engagements in the areas of social and environmental impact, including strategy development, capacity building, and leadership team alignment. As a Dialogos practitioner and facilitator, Aaron empowers organizations to achieve strategic alignment, drive positive culture change, and operationalize their visionary plans, translating ambitious ideas into practical realities.

His passion for leadership and the natural world led him to paddle the Eastern seaboard of the US in a sea kayak and purchase a 26-acre Maine island, developing it into the thriving eco-school and leadership development program called Rippleffect, Inc. In 2010, he embarked on a transformative FlowFund fellowship, collaborating with seven other social innovators to facilitate dialogue and council practices while researching regenerative environmental, social, and governance principles across five continents. Dedicated to bridging the gap between vision and action, Aaron supports leaders to unlock their true potential for a positive and transformative impact. He resides in Maine with his musician wife and son, extending a warm invitation to all collaborators for a board meeting in the surf.